Want thick, shiny hair that isn’t frizzy, but don’t want to risk chemicals from intensive hair treatment formulas because they can cause scalp problems as well? We recommend that you ladies choose 6 natural oils to nourish your hair, skin, and various parts of your body effectively, safely, and with many benefits! But if you still don’t know โปรโมชั่น ufabet what these natural oils are, come take a look.
1.Argan Oil
The secret formula of Argan Oil is a hair nourishing oil that provides excellent moisture and is rich in Vitamin E along with essential fatty acids for the scalp, reducing inflammation and preventing hair loss. It is suitable for those who have to regularly style their hair with heat. Simply use Argan Oil together to reduce split ends, dryness, and damage and restore hair very well.
2.Lavender Oil
One of the best hair care formulas is Lavender Oil, which not only provides benefits for hair restoration, but also helps stimulate blood circulation on the scalp and skin. It helps stimulate hair growth and makes the skin naturally soft and moist. It helps reduce irritation and inflammation and helps prevent the scalp and hair from becoming too dry and rough.
3. Coconut oil
The formula for using coconut oil is to condition the hair before shampooing. Within the coconut oil are essential fatty acids for the scalp and hair. They help increase moisture. When used as a hair conditioner before shampooing, it reduces the problem of dry hair and scalp. Along with lauric acid and carbonic acid, which help fight fungus and bacteria on the scalp, it quickly improves the itching symptoms.
4. Olive oil
Another natural oil that is very popular in Thailand is Olive Oil. It helps nourish hair to prevent breakage, hair loss, frizziness, and makes hair weighty again. Restore hair to good health with Vitamin E and Vitamin B that are abundant in Olive Oil. It also moisturizes both hair and scalp very well, reduces split ends, and eliminates the need to cut hair ends. It also helps prevent fungus on the scalp.
5. Castor oil
If you want a natural oil that is rich in vitamin E and many minerals, including protein specifically for hair, we recommend using castor oil. It will help accelerate hair growth and reduce hair loss, making new hair healthy, reducing fungal and bacterial problems on the scalp. It also helps treat dandruff, reducing skin inflammation and improving the health of the scalp and hair significantly.
6. Rosemary oil
Add fragrance and moisture to your hair with Rosemary Oil. It is an essential oil that helps to increase strength and accelerate hair growth, reduce hair loss and premature graying, treat dandruff, fungus and bacteria on the scalp, and add natural moisture without clogging the pores, making both hair and scalp healthy at the same time.
Make your hair thick, shiny and frizz-free in the safest way. From the 6 natural oils recommended, choose the one you want and use it for hair masks about 2-3 times a week. It is guaranteed to provide excellent hair restoration and care efficiency.