5 colors of vegetables, unique benefits

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Vegetables are considered a very benefits food for the body. Because they are rich in fiber, which acts like a broom to clean the body. They are also rich in vitamins and minerals that are necessary for the body. Furthermore, they should be eaten in a variety of colors. Because each color has different phytochemicals and the prominence that should be received in order for the body to receive complete nutrition, resulting in good health. Preventing and delaying the occurrence of chronic diseases and deterioration of the body. 

What do the 5 colors of vegetables give us?

  • Green vegetables

Rich in chlorophyll, it helps fight free radicals, prevents cell damage, eliminates hormones. And helps fight cancer, making the skin look radiant and youthful. In addition, eating green leafy vegetables such as morning glory, kale, Chinese cabbage, cabbage, and broccoli regularly. http://ufabet999.app Will help improve the digestive system.

  • Yellow vegetables

For example, carrots and pumpkins are yellow because this group provides lutein and beta-carotene, which help maintain the health of our little hearts and blood vessels, the body’s immune system, and even nourish our eyes.

  • Red vegetables

There are lycopene and beta cyanide in red vegetables such as beetroot, tomatoes, red bell peppers, and red onions. These substances have the ability to resist free radicals 100 times more than vitamin E and 125 times more than glutathione. Lycopene helps prevent cancer in various organs in the body. It also has a high amount of vitamin C.

  • Purple/blue vegetables

Contains anthocyanins. This group helps slow down cell degeneration and reduces the risk of heart disease and cerebral clogged arteries. In addition, it can inhibit germs that cause food poisoning. Purple vegetables include purple cabbage, eggplant, purple sweet potatoes, butterfly pea flowers, and shallots.

  • White/light brown vegetables

The specialty of white vegetables such as white sesame, ginger, garlic, onion, mushroom, and radish is that they contain xanthones, which help reduce inflammation and maintain blood sugar levels. They also contain synaptic acid and allicin, which have antioxidant properties, help reduce blood fat, and help prevent high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease.

It can be seen that each color has its own unique benefits, but all have antioxidants that help reduce inflammation in the body. Therefore, you should eat a variety of foods with added protein from meat to ensure that your body receives the full benefits and can use them effectively, along with regular exercise.